1.次の文の( )内から適する語(句)を選びなさい。
(1) I wanted to (become / became / becomes) a teacher.
(2) Tom likes to (make / made / makes) a doll.
(3) Mary studied hard to (be / is / are) a teacher.
(4) They want something to (eat / ate / eats).
2.[名詞用法]次の文の動詞部分を、(1)~(3)は<like to+動詞の原形>という形にして「~するのが好きだ」という文に、(4)~(6)は<want to+動詞の原形>という形にして「~したい」という文に書きかえなさい。その際、時制にも注意しなさい。
(1) I listen to music.
→ I ( ) ( ) ( ) to music.
(2) He plays tennis.
→ He ( ) ( ) ( ) tennis.
(3) Tom sang a song.
→ Tom ( ) ( ) ( ) a song.
(4) They go there.
→ They ( ) ( ) ( ) there.
(5) Ken studied English.
→ Ken ( ) ( ) ( ) English.
(6) Mary is a teacher.
→ Mary ( ) ( ) ( ) a teacher.
(1) You have a lot of work to do.
(2) He has no time to play tennis.
(3) I want something to drink.
(1) I went to the park to play soccer.
(2) He went to the library to study English.
(3) Mary is happy to see you again.
(4) They were surprised to hear the news.
(5) We came to Japan to study Japanese.
(6) Why did you come here?―To see my brother off.