(1) いつ
(2) どこ
(3) どれ
(4) 何
(5) 誰
(6) 誰の/誰のもの
(7) どうやって
(8) なぜ
(1) Where is she?―She’s in her room.
(2) Where are your cars?―They’re in the garage.
(3) Which is his house?
(4) Which season do you like?―I like summer.
(5) Whose is this car?―It’s my aunt’s.
(6) Whose car is this?―It’s my aunt’s car.
(7) What sport does he like?
(8) When do you get up every morning?
(9) Why do you study English?
(10) How does your father go to work?―By car.
(11) How long do you sleep?
(12) What’ the date today?
(13) What day is today?
(14) What time do you go to bed?
3.次の日本文に合う英文になるように、( )内に適する語を入れなさい。
(1) あれは誰の車ですか?
( ) car is this?
(2) あの本は誰のものですか?
( ) is that book?
(3) あなたは何の映画が好きですか?
( ) movie do you like?
(4) 彼はどの机を使いますか?
( ) desk does he use?
(5) 彼女はどうやって登校しますか?
( ) does she go to school?
(6) ケンは何歳ですか?
How ( ) is Ken?
(7) メグはどのくらいの身長ですか?
How ( ) is Meg?
(8) あの山の高さはどのくらいですか?
How ( ) is that mountain?
(9) この車はいくらですか?
How ( ) is this car?
(10) この橋はどのくらい長いですか?
How ( ) is this bridge?
(1) The girl is my sister.
(2) Ken makes lunch every day.
(3) Mike studies English every morning.
(4) I like this movie.(主語をyouにかえて)
(5) That is my racket.
(6) This book is mine.
(7) This is my book.
(8) Bob and Tom usually have lunch in the park.
(9) The store is near my house.
(10) We go to the park by bike.(主語をyouにかえて)
(11) I have one sister.(主語をyouにかえて)
(12) Meg is twenty years old.
5.次の疑問詞疑問文に、( )内の意味になるように返答しなさい。
(1) Where do you study English?(図書館で)
(2) How do you go to school?(バスで)
(3) Who do you like in the movie?(Bob)
(4) Who is there?(Tom)
(5) Who makes dinner?(Mary)
(6) Who uses this car?(I)
(7) What is over there?(my house)