


1.次の文の(  )内から適する語を選びなさい。そして完成した文を日本文にしなさい。

(1) He can speak English, (or, so, but) she can’t.

(2) It’s very hot, (or, so, but) let’s stay home.

(3) Is this bike yours (or, and, so) his?

(4) Both Tom (and, or, but) Mary like music.

(5) I run either in this park (and, or, but) in that park.

(6) Not only you (and, or, but) he is a doctor.

(7) Not Tom (and, or, but) Mary likes this movie.


2.次の英文のand, or, butが結んでいる箇所をそれぞれ(  )でくくりなさい。

例)I like (this song) and (that son).

(1) I know John and Mary.

(2) I play tennis and listen to music.

(3) Are you happy or sad?

(4) He is tired but he looks happy.

(5) Not only you but he is a doctor.

(6) Not Tom but Mary likes this movie.